The Team Management Systems view on leadership is that it is primarily about relationships. Excellent leaders monitor and develop relationships with their team members and ensure that this emphasis cascades throughout the organisation.

What is Linking?

The concept of Linking was developed from the empirical studies carried out by Drs. Margerison and McCann. Their research into teams and leaders identified 13 Linking Skills essential to effectively integrate the work of individuals and teams.

The Linking Leader Model describes three levels of Linking: People Linking, Task Linking and Leadership Linking. Each level is necessary for successful leadership and teamwork and together they ensure sustainable high performance in organisations.

The Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)

People Linking Skills

The outer level of the Linking Leader Model shows the six People Linking Skills. In order to have a strong and effective team, it is essential for all team members to implement these six universal skills. This is because People Linking Skills shape the team’s working environment, fostering a sense of alignment and trust among its members.

Task Linking Skills

The middle level of the Linking Leader Model describes the Task Linking Skills. Task Linking includes five core skills that relate to collective team tasks, relevant for those who are responsible for the performance of others.

Leadership Linking Skills

At the core of the Linking Leader Model are the two Leadership Linking Skills, which relate specifically to transformational leadership skills.


Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)

The overwhelming response from those managers, is the Linking Leader Profile provides a wealth of practical and detailed feedback against which they can compare their self-perceptions.

Paul Jones, Paul Jones & Associates

Connection to Leadership Theory

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Well-recognised theories have been developed based on the identification of specific leadership behaviours. Transformational Leadership and Situational Leadership are two of these theories. This context for the Linking Leader Model can be helpful when integrating the LLP|360 into a broader leadership development program that incorporates competencies from other models.

Transformational leadership is a leadership approach that instigates change in individuals and social systems. It creates valuable and positive change in teams through a variety of mechanisms, resulting in increased levels of engagement and performance. Nine Linking Skills measured in the LLP|360 strongly correlate to the key transformational leadership skills.

Situational Leadership focuses on a concern for the individual and a concern for the task. It meets people at different levels of ability or development, by tailoring the approach with a combination of supportive and directive behaviours. These behaviours are well catered for in the LLP|360 Questionnaire.


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To access the LLP|360 you can enlist the services of one of our associates who are accredited in the tool, or you can become accredited to deliver a LLP|360 debrief yourself.  

  • Through an Accredited Practitioner gain access to TMS Global, our product delivery platform
  • Answer the LLP|360 Questionnaire
  • Attend a debrief with your Accredited Practitioner

Learn more about Accreditation


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Team Management Profile (TMP)

Building Capable Teams: COLLABORATE

TMP is not just about psychometrics. It's about learning.

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TMP helps you to create greater awareness and develop strategies to improve performance, communication and business outcomes.

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